Pediatric Occupational & Physical Therapy | Sensory Pathways 4 Kids

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We're on our way back!

Sensory Pathways is slowly coming back!

I hope everyone has been doing okay during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Please refer to all of the prior posts for ideas and ways to regulate during this time as some if not all of them can be useful! If you have any more questions please talk with your therapist or contact the main page to email our office manager to set up a verbal intake.

We are doing our best to take the safest precautions during this time to slowly get back into the routine of therapy and normalcy. Washing hands and wearing a face mask as well as cleaning in between clients can be tough but we are doing our best.

I wanted to share a helpful video with our Director of Sensory Pathways, Kari Hall and Robin McEvoy, Developmental Child Neuropsychologist sharing information on the relation of apraxia and Sensory Processing issues. How is Apraxia and Dyspraxia related to SPD? Click on the links to get more info.

I know that everything is a big bowl full of craziness but keep your head up! You can do this! If you need any additional help please reach out to us and hopefully we can help you out during this time of uncertainty.